Thursday, December 9, 2010
Free internet for students in 2011
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) will remove all charging for internet access, thus providing free internet access for all students. Internet usage will be monitored and is subject to the terms and conditions of the ICT Resources policy, which is signed when students first log into the MyUni student portal.
Students will need to use their UniKey to access the internet from computer labs and will still need to install the CISCO virtual private network (VPN) client to connect their laptops to the University wireless network.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
New books for November 2010

Here is a glimpse at the hottest book releases by month of November 2010. Please click here to view the list.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Publish your Research

Monday, November 22, 2010
Health Sciences Library Opening Hours
Opening Hours 2010 / 2011
Mon to Thurs - 8am - 9pm
Friday - 8am - 6pm
Saturday - 9am - 4pm
Sunday - 1pm - 5pm
Sat 20 Nov - Fri 17 Dec
Mon – Fri - 9am - 5pm
Sat & Sun - Closed
Australian Research Collaboration Service (ARCS)

ARCS Services:
Data Fabrics
The ARCS Data Fabric is the country’s national data storage system. It enables groups and communities to securely store, maintain and share their data with others while maintaining full control over it. This is an internet based, simple to use service and access available through a number of interfaces and operating systems as well as numerous devices including iPhones and iPads.
ARCS desktop video collaboration service
Evo is free and easy to use desktop video conferencing service. You can share your ideas, data and document with other researches very effectively and easily.
To join or more information about the ARCS services please visit
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Elsevier downtime Sun 7th 6-10pm & Mon 14th midnight -7am
Please note that we have two scheduled outages that will affect the Admin Tool along with the following SciVerse products in the coming weeks:
- ScienceDirect
- Scopus
- Hub
- Journals Consult
The products and services mentioned above are expected to be offline and unavailable for approximately 4 hours on November 7th and 6 hours on November 13th. During this time, upgrades will be implemented and maintenance performed. Please see below for approximate outage duration by region:
November 7:Sunday 7th 6-10pm Sydney time
November 13:
- Sydney – midnight – 7am Monday 14th Sydney time
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Safe Work Australia Week Event 2010
Staff and students are invited to view a display of work injury and disease prevention posters by undergraduate physiotherapy students who researched and presented them during the year 4 physiotherapy student conference week in semester
Examples their work is on display in the library to promote Safe Work Australia Week.
When: 25-29 October 2010
Venue: FHS Library – Reading area (ground floor)
For More infor visit Safe Work Australia Week website.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
SciVerse: A new platform from Elsevier.

You may have already noticed the changes to the ScienceDirect, and Scopus.
SciVerse is the new look of ScienceDirect and Scopus.Elsevier launched SciVerse as a single access point, enabling more efficient search and discovery for users.
SciVerse Hub is the one stop single search across SciVerse ScienceDirect and SciVerse Scopus. From single logging you are able to search both databases.
Key Features:
Find the data you need with one click in SciVerse
Access peer reviewed full-text articles through SciVerse ScienceDirect
Search millions of abstracts and index data with SciVerse Scopus
For more information visit
Contact your Friendly Librarian @ Health Sciences Library.
Elaine Tam:
Kanchana Ekanayake:
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Library Client Survey 2010: Tell Us What You Think !

- Complete the Survey NOW!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Research Impact Seminar
Find out:
• How to calculate your research impact or “h-index” using citation metrics from Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar
• How to use the Journal Citation Reports and other resources to identify high impact journals
• The role of the Research Office in supporting researchers at the University of Sydney
• Measuring impact in the context of Excellence in Research Australia (ERA)
There will be time for questions and discussion
Presenters: Judy Reading, Health Sciences Library and Jenny Waern, Research Office
Please book at
Date: Thursday 26th August 2010
Time: 12.00 – 1.00
Venue: E101 Health Sciences
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Changes to OvidSP Interface from Monday 2nd August 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Protect yourself online
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Up coming classes at Health Sciences Library

Endnote Basics
Learn how to:
• Create an Endnote library
• Enter a reference manually
• Enter a reference using the Online search option
• Search databases and export references into your EndNote library
• Use EndNote to Cite While You Write (CWYW) in Word
After some more advanced features of Endnote? Try contacting your Faculty Liaison Librarian for an individual appointment.
Wed 14th July 1 – 2 pm
Mon 19th July 12 – 1 pm
Thurs 29th July 1 – 2 pm
Thurs 5th August 3 – 4 pm
Sat 7th August 2 - 3 pm
Wed 11th August 1 – 2 pm
Sat 14th August 2 - 3 pm
Thurs 19th August 12 – 1 pm
Sat 21st August 2 - 3 pm
Sat 28th August 2 - 3 pm
Book Online
Is Google Enough?
Searching Databases
Are you overlooking valuable research by just limiting your search to Google?
This class help you to find high quality information in library databases by:
• Developing a search strategy
• Combining search terms and limiting results
• Searching by subject
• Interpreting a citation
• Printing, saving or exporting your references to Endnote
Fri 30th July 2 – 3 pm
Thurs 5th August 2 – 3 pm
Sat 7th August 11:30-12:30pm
Wed 11th August 12 – 1 pm
Sat 14th August 11:30-12:30pm
Tues 17th August 3 – 4 pm
Sat 21st August 11:30-12:30pm
Sat 28th August 11:30-12:30pm
Book Online
Keeping Up-to-Date
Find out how to
• Save and re-run searches at your convenience
• Set up email alerts and RSS feeds on key journal titles and articles relevant to your research interests
• Use Google Reader to manage RSS feeds from databases, websites and news sources
• Find relevant newsfeeds, blogs, mailing lists and podcasts
Tues 20th July 12 – 1 pm
Book Online
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Indigenous Health Theses Online
- Maximise the exposure of your research by making it highly visible on the Web (items are indexed in Google and Google Scholar!)
- Provide your work with a citable URL to which you can refer in your own publications
- Protect your work against plagiarism
- Promote Australian research activity to an international audience
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
New E-Books
Behavioral medicine: a guide for clinical practice / Mitchell D. Feldman,
The craft of research / Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams
Knowledge to action: evidence based health care in context / edited by Sue Dopson and Louise Fitzgerald.
Wiley encyclopedia of clinical trials / edited by Ralph D'Agostino, Lisa Sullivan, Joseph Massaro.
Randomized controlled trials: questions, answers, and musings / Alejandro R. Jadad, Murray W. Enkin.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Australia's Health 2010
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has just released Australia’s Health 2010 (a biennial report).
This publication contains statistical information and commentary on a range of national health issues, including:
- Determinants of health and keys to prevention
- Diseases and injury
- How health varies across population groups
- Health across the life stages
- Health services, expenditure and workforce
- The health sector's performance
Access the online edition of this report as well as previous editions via the library catalogue.
Happy researching!
Monday, June 21, 2010
New Books!
Mosby's dictionary of medicine, nursing and health professions / editors in chief, Peter Harris, Sue Nagy, Nicholas Vardaxis. Chatswood, N.S.W. : Elsevier Australia, 2009. 2nd Australian & New Zealand ed.
Writing with a thesis : a rhetoric and reader / Sarah E. Skwire, David Skwire. Boston, MA : Wadsworth/Cengage Learning c2011. 11th ed., student ed
Thursday, June 3, 2010

If you are on campus you are able to watch it online (UniKey is required)
Borrow it from the Library
KANYINI is a story told by an Aboriginal man, Bob Randall, who lives beside the greatest monolith in the world, Uluru in Central Australia. Based on Bob's own personal journey and the wisdom he learnt from the old people living in the bush, Bob tells the tale of why Indigenous people are now struggling in a modern world and what needs to be done for Indigenous people to move forward. A tale of Indigenous wisdom clashing against materialist notions of progress, this is not only a story of one man and his people but the story of the human race.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Need help preparing for exams?

Learning Centre lunchtime drop-in sessions in libraries, Camperdown/Darlington/Cumberland Campus - for details click here
From 17th May-4th June, these sessions will allow students to get immediate advice from Learning Centre staff on academic literacy and learning issues such as critical thinking, essay writing, reading effectively, and preparing for exams in a convenient 10 minute consultation session.
More about the Learning Centre and their programs from their website
Monday, May 31, 2010
Serials Review - Health Sciences Library 2010

Calling all staff and postgraduate students...
The library needs your help with a review of our current journal subscriptions. We want to ensure that funding is spent wisely on getting the journals you and your students actually need and use regularly. The evidence from the survey will help us identify low use titles that may be cancelled (with further consultation) and this can free up funds for new title subscriptions.
Please note that if a title is not on this list we may well subscribe to it through a general deal with the publisher - many of the most important journals are included in publisher collections. Journals that are included in general deals cannot be cancelled individually.
Please click here and follow the instructions to complete the survey.
If you have any questions please contact your Faculty Liaison Librarian
The survey will close on the 30th June 2010.
Thursday, May 20, 2010

We are here to help you make the best use of our information resources, such as helping you to develop a research plan and search databases more efficiently… did I mention that we also provide EndNote support?!